Bridge Open Banking

Our gateway to financial integration.

East West Bank’s open banking portal, Bridge Open Banking, offers API capabilities that integrate your systems with ours through a seamless connected experience.

Test it, build it!

Use our API Portal to develop your application
and benefit from East West Bank’s secured network
and engineering expertise.

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New to Open Banking?

Reimagine how to get better,
faster and more convenient
banking experiences.

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Explore our APIs available now

Be a part of East West Bank’s growing developer community. Build it. Test it. Launch it. YOU are in control.

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©2006 - 2020, East West Bank. All Rights Reserved. NMLSR ID 469761
Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured  |  Are Not Bank Guaranteed  |  May Lose Value  |  Are Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency  |  Are Not Deposits

Member FDIC & Equal Housing Lender